Why I'm not a Six-Week Bootcamp Coach
Honestly, sometimes I wish that was my calling. It’s easy to get people on board. Everyone loves a good “before and after” photo. But what happens after the “after”? You can lose a few pounds of fat in six weeks, but can you really transform yourSELF?
When I initially thought about how I could help other women, I knew I didn’t want to do it by handing out a generic program. I thought about the kind of training that would get dramatic results and the kind of nutrition habits that would be sustainable. I thought about what most women who are busy, confused, stressed out, burnt out, and maxed out would want for their health journey. A Life Without Diets!
What does it mean to live a Life Without Diets? It means knowing that you can maintain a healthy weight without banishing entire macronutrients (read:carbs). It means knowing you don’t need to eliminate gluten if you don’t have Celiac’s disease. It means understanding sugar isn’t evil. It means enjoying social events. It means not feeling trapped by rules you didn’t create and don’t understand.
Life Without Diets does not mean eat whatever you want, as much as you want, whenever you want. Many people today are looking to live without boundaries or guidelines, but wait for it, it’s in setting boundaries that we are actually able to live freely and without guilt. A “no” to the drive-thru three nights a week is a “Yes!” to a great dinner with friends on a Saturday. A “no” to handfuls of candy throughout the day is a “Yes!” to froyo with the kids after school on a Tuesday. A “no” to donuts at the office all week is a “Yes!” to brunch with friends on a Sunday. In order to say “Yes!” to an early morning workout you might need to say “no” to that night-cap. These things are called trade-offs. The goal is to find a balance between what you give up and what you gain. Up to this point you may have noticed you give up a whole lot only to get very little benefit in return.
I want you to be your leanest and strongest whilst living your best life. I don’t want you to wake up feeling defeated. I don’t want you to wake up feeling like a failure. I don’t want you to wake up feeling like your efforts don’t matter. How long does it take to wake up and actually feel good? It depends.
Real, meaningful change takes time.
My nutrition and mindset coaching program takes one year to complete. You might be thinking, “OMG, ONE YEAR!” If that’s your initial reaction I’d ask you to consider a few things: How long has it taken you to get to the point where you’re at? How many diets have you started and stopped? How many days, weeks, or months, have you spent in deprivation mode only to binge yourself back to square one? How much longer do you expect to live on this earth and how do you want to spend that time? When you start to consider these things one year doesn’t sound so crazy anymore.
Anyone can shove themselves into a box for six weeks. Eat the food they’re supposed to eat. Avoid the food they’re supposed to avoid. Workout everyday. Burn a lot of calories. See some results. But that’s not all you want. You want to live more free and less stressed. You want to have more joy and less disappointment. You want more confidence and less fear. You want to feel energized, not exhausted. You want what you can keep forever, not just what you can have right now. You want to change your body and your LIFE, and I want to help.