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Is it Okay to Eat ________?

“Can I have (insert food here)?” This is a question I get asked frequently. The funny thing is if you come to me asking this, chances are you’ve already formed your own thoughts about that food. I’ve never had a client ask me whether or not they should be eating brussel sprouts. It’s usually something they suspect is counterintuitive , but they are hoping and praying that I will say it’s okay.

Truth is I don’t want to be your food police. You may think that you want this. You may think you want to pay someone to tell you which salad dressing to eat or not eat, or which beverages to drink or not drink. What happens when you no longer have an outside authority placing food restrictions on you? Do you suddenly become an expert at self-monitoring?

Instead let’s consider the question “Should I eat (insert food here)?” If you were to ask me that I might in turn ask you:

What is your goal?

How much are you consuming?

Is X food or the quantity of it keeping you from reaching your goal?

Is X food the biggest limiting factor to your progress at the moment?

When I say biggest limiting factor I mean the ONE obstacle that if we removed it you would be on cruise control down the highway to success. What’s the biggest thing holding you back from progress? Be honest. Chances are it’s not your coffee creamer.

I’m not looking to force you to follow some arbitrary food rules. I want to arm you with the ability to form your own opinions and make your own choices about what YOU should do with YOUR body. So the next time you are wondering whether you should be eating a particular food, ask yourself the above questions. Answer them truthfully (you’ll know if you’re lying) and then take that information and decide on your next step. To eat or not to eat? YOU decide.

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