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eat smarter


Paleo, Keto, Eat Clean, Whole 30, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian...


Confused about what to eat? Join the club.


Everywhere you turn there is someone telling you about the new "best" diet. They promote said "best" diet and make it sound like the magic bullet to weight loss, Great lengths are taken to prove to you the extraordinary properties the diet, Netflix feature films not excluded. What if I told you there is no "best" diet? No blanket option for everyone? My guess is if you're here you may have tried a few of these diets in the past. What was the outcome? Where did they get you? How did you feel?


If you go to unsustainable lengths to create change, then as a result that change is also unsustainable. I'm not a "detox" style coach. I prefer not to cheerlead you through bouts of deprivation. Many women can make it through 30 days of a diet. I am here to coach you through days 31 to 365! 


Now you can worry less, make peace with your body, feel better, and start living on your own terms. Instead of spending countless hours trying to make sense of complicated meal plans, tracking calories, counting macros, and trying to lose weight on your own, I simplify it all by using a proven habits-based coaching philosophy.

By working with Precision Nutrition's foundational principles, my online coaching services will empower you to make important gradual changes to your eating habits, lifestyle, and food choices, so that you can finally improve your health, change your mindset, and get the body you want- For the rest of your life!



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