train smarter
There is definite truth in the statement, "The best workout is the one you actually do." A workout that you will consistently show up for, that strengthens and energizes you, can do amazing things for your life. It is important to appreciate exercise for all the non-cosmetic things it can do for you: being social, feeling better, sleeping better, having more energy, improving health markers. That's completely OK. However, if you want to put in consistent work and see a tangible, visible result, to literally wear your strength on your sleeve, that's OK too!
At the gym, I see women file into and out of group exercise classes day-after-day, week-after-week, and month-after-month, with little to no physical change. It is absolutely possible that they are crushing a goal that none of us know anything about. Keep it up! But that's not why you are here. You are here because you want to look fit. I can help you get there.
My guess is you've tried your fair share of workouts, even something like Extreme HIITcardiyogalates. (I may have just invented a new workout craze, Lol.) Truth is it's not about burning 600 calories an hour or doing "this one crazy exercise".
If you do what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always got.
I will take your effort and apply it into a customized, properly designed training program, that you can do in sessions with me, at the gym on your schedule, or in the privacy of your own home. Are you ready to realize your potential?